Godfrey in talks with hotel chains!

Will a Hotel Chain Break Ground in Godfrey?

Early Discussions Underway

The village of Godfrey may soon see the development of a new hotel. Although talks are in the early stages, the national brand Choice Hotels has expressed interest in a parcel of land located near the Illinois 111/255 interchange. This potential project has already prompted village officials to begin considering next steps in the process.

Village Engagement with Choice Hotels

Jim Mager, the village’s Economic Development Director, shared with The Big Z that a representative from Choice Hotels has made initial inquiries about the village’s offerings. The company is exploring what incentives or support Godfrey might provide to facilitate the project.

Possible Investment Structure

At this point, it remains unclear who will provide the necessary equity for the project. The investment could come directly from the hotel chain itself or possibly from the local landowner. This will be a key topic during upcoming discussions.

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Next Steps for Approval

The issue of the hotel chain’s potential interest is slated for further discussion at the next village board meeting, scheduled for early October. Local officials are expected to explore the details and consider the best course of action to move forward with the project.


While still in the preliminary stages, the possibility of a new hotel development in Godfrey has generated interest from a major national brand. As the village prepares for further discussions, the next few weeks will be crucial in determining whether this project moves forward. Stay tuned for updates as the situation evolves.

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