Ardent Mills employee seeks Solution to Traffic

Ardent Mills Employee Raises Safety Concerns Over Dangerous Highway Crossing

An employee of Ardent Mills in Alton, Illinois, has raised concerns about the safety of employees crossing Illinois Route 100, a busy highway separating the mill from its employee parking lot. The crosswalk at State Street is meant to assist with crossing, but according to the employee, it has done little to slow the flow of traffic. The situation has led to several close calls, sparking calls for action from local law enforcement and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).

The Problem: Risky Highway Crossing on Illinois Route 100

Ardent Mills, located on one side of Illinois Route 100, faces a dangerous challenge for its workers, as the employee parking lot is on the opposite side of the highway. Despite the presence of a crosswalk at State Street, traffic rarely slows down enough to ensure a safe crossing.

Nicole Bechtold, Production Scheduler at Ardent Mills, expressed her concerns during an interview with The Big Z, highlighting that there have been multiple near-accidents. Employees, particularly during shift changes at 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., face significant risks when attempting to cross the highway, with vehicles often failing to yield at the crosswalk.

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Law Enforcement’s Efforts: Alton Police Department’s Involvement

Alton Police Chief Jarrett Ford responded to these concerns, noting that police officers regularly enforce traffic regulations at the intersection. However, he admitted that traffic only tends to slow down when officers are present. The lack of consistent compliance by drivers continues to make the crossing a hazardous endeavor for the mill’s employees.

IDOT’s Response: No Firm Plan in Place Yet

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has been made aware of the issue, and according to an IDOT engineer, they are currently reviewing the location. However, no concrete plan or timeline has been established to address the safety concerns at this busy intersection. This uncertainty leaves the employees at Ardent Mills in a precarious situation, hoping for a solution before a serious incident occurs.

Conclusion: Urgent Action Needed for Employee Safety

The safety of Ardent Mills employees crossing Illinois Route 100 remains a pressing concern. Despite efforts by local law enforcement and attention from IDOT, the lack of effective traffic control at the State Street crosswalk continues to endanger workers, especially during shift changes. Until a firm plan is implemented, employees are forced to navigate a dangerous situation daily. Immediate attention and action are needed to prevent potential accidents and ensure the well-being of everyone crossing the busy highway.

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